New Website

New Website

Test test test. I have been meaning to put up a personal website for a while. Like most people who do this kind of thing, I mostly just want to broadcast my interests so that everyone else who shares those interests can find me. The implication then is that if you come across my website, and you like what you see, then you should contact me!

Some of the things I hope to broadcast here include my academic work and interests, my game development stuff, and my visual art. One thing I want to play around with is embedding some fun interactive and procedural art or demos. So in this preliminary post I want to explore what kind of tools I have at my disposal.

I would very much like to be able to embed these demos in my blog posts. So for example, here we have an ebedded shader, courtesy of pocket gl

Shaders are great because you can do massive computations on a per pixel basis which would otherwise be slow to perform on a CPU. So you can let your imagination run wild artistically. However they are very rigid as a language, and so the level of interactivity you can introduce is quite low.

The next tool I like to use is processing.

Processing is a scripting language that is great for rapidly prototyping ideas. I often like to make little toys or demos in it. The other nice thing is that your demos can be more interactive. Try clicking on the demo a few times.

Finally, I have been learning how to make games in unity. Unity has a web application that you can embed into the browser like so. This is a game about a fox that likes to eat chickens that I whipped up for this post. It’s not very polished, but I think it’s pretty fun :D